This website is the online graphic design portfolio for Joe Scerri.

Joe graduated with a diploma in graphic design (1990)
from the Central Metropolitan College of Visual Arts in Western Australia. During his career spanning 19 years,
Joe has worked with a variety of design studios, advertis-
ing agencies and multimedia studios in Sydney (Austra-
lia), Basel and Zurich (Switz-
erland) and London (UK).
In 1996, Joe established his own independent graphic design consultancy - Joe Scerri Design - which he currently operates.

Whilst Joe's design focus has largely been within arts and cultural arenas, he has created an extensive range of corp-
orate identities, book and edit-
orial designs, websites, pack-
aging and illustrations, all
of which have been essential
in producing clear, imagin-
ative, and intelligent commun-
ication for each client.

In addition to his professional pursuits, Joe Scerri has ex-
hibited his paintings, instal-
lations, film, light sculptures, vinyl wall art, illustration, sound design and since 1989. He has been composing electronic based music (Lake Lustre) since 2000.
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